WedgeSmart DC

Palang Parkir

WedgeSmart DC

  • WedgeSmart DC is an industrial grade, electromechanical, UPS battery backup anti-ram wedge with parking barrier arm operator.
  • WedgeSmart DC excels at vehicle theft prevention, threat protection and access control applications requiring added security of a crash barrier.
  • Surface mount makes installation quick and easy.
  • Protect your assets - Crash-engineered FS30 stops a full size sedan traveling at 30 mph
  • Optional Hy8Relay™ provides eight additional relay output terminals to the Smart DC Controller. Each user relay can be configured to perform a specific function, including revenue control options.
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply - WedgeSmart DC operates for over 150 cycles after AC power loss, keeps your site in operation and secure.*

*Actual UPS cycles depend on accessory power draw, frequency of cycles, battery health, ambient temperature and other conditions.

Biasanya penggunaan WedgeSmart DC di gedung-gedung perkantoran, rumah sakit, bandara udara, stasiun, mall ataupun gedung pemerintahan. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut!
Anda sedang mencari WedgeSmart DC dan pemasangan di seluruh di kota Indonesia, Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi, Solo, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Banda Aceh, Pekanbaru, Semarang, Bali, Kalimantan, Balikpapan, Sulawesi, Makassar, Manado, Papua, Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Ambon dan Pontianak. Hubungi kami sekarang juga!